FASHION: Pearl Mix & Match (Forever 21 x Pearls Only)

Are you ready to enjoy the spring weather? We sure are!  

As the fashion editor for Pearls Only, I am here to help you edit your wardrobe and get ready for the Spring. I have the perfect look for you. For today’s Pearl’s Mix & Match, we are pairing our fabulous pearl earrings with a cute black and white floral dress from Forever 21.

The “Forever 21 Prairie Floral Cutout Dress” and “Pearls Only Ingrid Earring Set” are a perfect combination of cute and classy with a little bit of flirt. Pair it with a small waist belt and you will be ready for a date with your suitor or a nice lunch date with your BFF.

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You can find the dress at for $22.80, and the earrings from for $59.00, making the look a budget Fashionista’s dream totaling $81.80.

What do you think of the look?

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