Akoya Pearls vs. Freshwater Pearls

Pearls are remarkable organic gems with a rich and fascinating history. Whether it is the classic Akoya pearls or the affordable freshwater pearls you think of, one thing comes to mind: their distinguished beauty. Nevertheless, there are several characteristics that set these types of pearls apart.

Some freshwater pearls look remarkably similar to Akoya pearls. However, the price per strand varies significantly. That is because each pearl type and each pearl is assessed according to a set of factors. Together, they dictate the quality and the value of pearls. Let us dwell on these for a moment and gain deeper insight into the differences between Akoya pearls and freshwater pearls. read more

10 Great Ways to Wear Akoya Pearls (Cultured Pearls)

If you like jewelry and pearls in particular, and browse the niche market and magazines frequently, then you may have heard of Akoya pearls quite often. It’s a name that tends to spring up around specialized hubs and expert shows, but it doesn’t refer to any newly discovered or exotic species of pearls. In fact, the Akoya pearls are cultured pearls, by their more official name. The element of novelty comes only from the fact that people have known them for a long time as ‘cultured pearls’, on a popular culture level, and only recently have started calling them Akoya pearls. read more

Akoya Pearl Necklace

Akoya pearl necklaces can be found in just about every well-dressed woman’s wardrobe thanks to the work of Mikimoto, the father of modern pearl cultivation. A simple stand of pearls is often passed down through the generations from mother to daughter.

A necklace of Akoya pearls is seen by many women as a rite of passage, usually given on the girl’s sixteenth birthday. The beauty of a pearl necklace is that it can be worn successfully on nearly all occasions, from a very formal affair to the most casual. Pearl necklaces are popular in single, double and even multiple stands, depending on the event to which a woman will be wearing them. read more

Akoya Pearls

Akoya pearls are prized and sought after by some of the most discriminating jewelry collectors all over the world. The delicate color and wonderful luster of Akoya pearl necklaces make them one of the most popular and classic adornments world-wide. Luminous Akoya pearls are beautiful to wear to any occasion. From casual occasions to the office and for the formal events, Akoya pearls are timeless and elegant classics that will light up any event. Akoya pearls are named after the Akoya oyster in which they are found. The Akoya pearl is one of the most popular today. Jewelry pieces made Akoya pearls cultured in from Akoya oysters are available many forms, from earrings to bracelets and ever popular Akoya pearl necklaces. Most Akoya pearls available for purchase today are cultured Akoya pearls. This means the beginning of Akoya pearls are initiated by man. This beginning of an Akoya pearl is usually a small bit of shell that is formed into a specialized bead. That bead is surgically inserted by a skilled pearl culturer into a very specific part of an Akoya oyster. The Akoya oyster responds by secreting layer upon layer of nacre or mother of pearl over the bead and forms an Akoya pearl. Even with the culturers’ aid, Akoya pearls are rare. The insertion process can only be carried out by well trained culturers. Also, a vast majority of the Akoya pearls produced do not meet the strict Akoya standards for Akoya pearls and finished jewelry such as Akoya pearl necklaces. The beautiful Akoya pearls produced by this laborious and time consuming process are most definitely worth it. Akoya pearls are typically very round with colors ranging from white, to creams and light pinks. These colors are very popular for Akoya pearl necklaces. The colder water that the Akoya pearl oyster lives in helps it to secrete thicker and more lustrous mother of pearl. As a result, Akoya pearls have superb luster which also helps to make Akoya pearl jewelry such as Akoya pearl necklaces one of the most popular jewelry pieces today. read more